What You Need To Know: Highlights From The State of Inbound 2017

12 Jul What You Need To Know: Highlights From The State of Inbound 2017

Posted at 06:00

As marketers, we’re constantly trying to evaluate our clients’ top challenges and priorities. But as professionals, wstruggle with many of the same pitfalls other businesses face. Before we can provide better solutions for our clientswe need to master our own inbound marketing strategies first

The first step? Get some perspective. Below, we’ve gathered the five most important data points from HubSpot’s annual industry report, complete with colorful graphs. 

InbounStats You Need To Know

63% of marketers stated that the greatest company’s challenge is generating traffic and leads. Today’s market is overwhelmed by the non-stop noise of contentcreating a struggle between quality and quantity. Quality content costs a lot, but smart clients are willing to pay for itNext time you create content for your agency, put forth as much effort and creativity as you would for a client.






Marketers are constantly adjusting their strategies to accommodate new scientific and technological developments. These days, even the slightest update to Google’s algorithm has an impact on traffic and marketing effectiveness. That’s why growth of SEO/organic presence remains marketers’ top priority






he report also identified which marketing tactics that businesses still use, but don’t find very effective for attracting new clienteleFor example, almost 1/3 of surveyed marketers think outbound strategies like paid advertising are the most overrated marketing tactics. And frankly, we’d have to agree. 




The State of Inbound pooled both inbound and outbound marketers’ opinions to compare the  effectiveness of each strategy. 68% of inbound marketers believe their marketing approaches are effective, whereas only 48% of outbound marketers agreed








Video channels are the first choice for new content distributionSince 1/3 of online interaction is spent watching video, agencies need to spend more time generating and sharing that kind of content. 








For more powerful insights into the world of marketing, check out The State of Inbound in full.


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