4 Reasons Website Maintenance is Vital for Your Business

14 Jun 4 Reasons Website Maintenance is Vital for Your Business

Posted at 09:00h in Advertising,, Advertising, functional website,, functional website, effective website, effective website

Do you ever wonder why websites break? A website is like a house, so when the air conditioner breaks (and your best friend isn’t an AC repair expert), it takes time and money to fix it. In the rapidly evolving world of the internet – with plugins, applications, browsers, software, and content management systems constantly improving – updates are a modern fact of life. These pesky updates can cause bugs, broken links, and error messages, among other unexpected problems. In a perfect world, when a website is launched, it’s a flawless, finished product. But in truth, websites are more like ongoing projects. Even the most carefully built websites eventually require maintenance, and even the sturdiest homes are susceptible to damage. Our tip? Stay ahead of the glitch with a monthly web maintenance plan. Here are four important reasons to pick one up:

    1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Google LOVES when websites update content. In fact, they love it so much they will increase your search ranking. Who likes stagnant content? Nobody; especially your customers. Web maintenance helps Google determine if your website is relevant, and old content means lower rankings.
    2. Brand Booster. Your website is the most widely viewed reflection of your business. It’s important that your site is not only professionally designed (and updated), but also free of errors, dead pages, or broken links. Based on user data and analysis, it’s also important to consistently update the UX and UI to better serve your customers (click here to read more about growth-driven design).
    3. Cost Savings. Calling your marketing agency five-10 times per month for website changes and repairs can really add up in fees. By maintaining your site on a monthly basis, this can be avoided.
    4. Customer Interest. Changing and updating your website keeps existing customers interested, but also helps catch the attention of new customers.


So remember: your website is your biggest marketing tool! Ask Morris Creative Group how we can help you take care of it.

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